3 results
1 bedroom flats to rent in Garston
- £850 pcm (£196 pw)
1 bedroom ground floor flat to rentAigburth Vale, Liverpool L17
1-- OVER 55s
- Retirement Apartment with onsite manager
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Michele Webb - Liverpool - £750 pcm (£173 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentSt Mary Road, Liverpool L19
11- Nearest station 0.5mi.
- Furnished
Added > 14 days by Eazy Real Estate - Liverpool - £800 pcm (£185 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentSt Mary Road, Liverpool L19
11- Nearest station 0.5mi.
- Furnished
Added > 14 days by Eazy Real Estate - Liverpool - £850 pcm (£196 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentBroughton Drive, Liverpool L19
11- 667 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.1mi.
Reduced < 14 days by Greenco - Liverpool