1 result
2 bedroom flats to rent in Corby
- £950 pcm (£219 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentHoldenby Drive, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17
22- 2 Double Bedrooms
- Ensuite Shower Room and Main Bathroom
Added < 14 days by Let it Homes - Kettering - Added > 14 days by 1st4rent - Corby
- Added > 14 days by 1st4rent - Corby
- Added > 14 days by 1st4rent - Corby
- Built for Rental Living£1,175 pcm (£271 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentat Manchester, Hunslet House, 81 Hunslet House, Station Road, NN1 81, Hunslet House NN17
21- 2 double bedrooms
- Residential lounge with wifi
- Onsite gym
- Fully management
New buildAdded < 7 days by Una - Manchester