12 results
2 bedroom flats to rent in Hilltown
- £795 pcm (£183 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent42 Milton Street,DUNDEE,DD3 6QQ
2-- 764 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.3mi.
- Part furnished
- Nearest school 0.1mi.
Reduced < 14 days by Direct Lettings - Dundee - £750 pcm (£173 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent42A Kenmore Terrace, Dundee,
2-- Council Tax Band: A
- Deposit: 850
Added today by Easylets - Dundee - £690 pcm (£159 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent3/1, 168 Lochee Road, Dundee,
2-- Council Tax Band: B
- Deposit: 690
StudentReduced today by Easylets - Dundee - £825 pcm (£190 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent1E Wishart Street, ,
2-- Deposit: 925
- Fully Furnished
Virtual tourAdded yesterday by Easylets - Dundee - £650 pcm (£150 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentLochee Road, Lochee West, Dundee, DD2
21- 624 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.3mi.
Reduced < 7 days by Struan Baptie Property Management - Dundee - £750 pcm (£173 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentKenmore Terrace, Law, Dundee, DD3
21- 688 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.3mi.
Added < 14 days by Struan Baptie Property Management - Dundee - £795 pcm (£183 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent42 Milton Street,DUNDEE,DD3 6QQ
2-- 764 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.3mi.
Reduced < 14 days by Direct Lettings - Dundee - £1,223 pcm (£282 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentRustic Place Dudhope Street, City Centre DD1
21- 9,999 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.6mi.
StudentAdded < 14 days by DJ Alexander - Dundee Lettings - £575 pcm (£133 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentMoncur Crescent, Coldside, Dundee, DD3
21- Double glazing
- Shower
Virtual tourStudentReduced < 14 days by Struan Baptie Property Management - Dundee - £725 pcm (£167 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent2/2, 184 Lochee Road, Dundee, DD2 2NF
2-- 2 x BEDROOMS
- Livingroom
Added > 14 days by Direct Lettings - Dundee - £900 pcm (£208 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent186 2/2 Lochee Road, ,
2-- Council Tax Band: B
- Deposit: 1,000
StudentAdded > 14 days by Easylets - Dundee - £1,200 pcm (£277 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rent12 (Ground Floor) Somerville Place, Dundee,
2-- Deposit: 1,300
- Modern Refurbishment
Added > 14 days by Easylets - Dundee - £725 pcm (£167 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentTullideph Road, Dundee DD2
21- Electric Heating
- Newly Refurbished
Virtual tourReduced < 14 days by Dymock Properties - Dundee