7 results
2 bedroom houses to rent in Thornaby On Tees
- Offers in region of£575 pcm (£133 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rentGilmour Street, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees, TS17 6JR
21- 2 Bedrooms
- Bathroom and downstairs w/c
- 2 Living Rooms
- Partial u PVC Double Glazing
Added < 14 days by Jones Estate Agents - Stockton on Tees - Offers in region of£595 pcm (£137 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rentStanley Close,Thornaby, Stockton on Tees, TS17 6PP
21- 2 Bedrooms
- U PVC Double Glqzing
Virtual tourAdded < 14 days by Jones Estate Agents - Stockton on Tees