23 results
3 bedroom houses to rent in Preston Park
- £2,300 pcm (£531 pw)
3 bedroom terraced house to rentLauriston Road, Brighton, BN1
32- Available 17th April
- Part Furnished
Added yesterday by Fine & Country - Brighton and Hove - £2,050 pcm (£473 pw)
3 bedroom end of terrace house to rentYork Grove, Brighton, BN1
31- Available 7th April
- Unfurnished
Reduced < 14 days by Sawyer & Co - Hove - £2,300 pcm (£531 pw)
3 bedroom terraced house to rentLauriston Road, Brighton, BN1
- Part furnished
Added < 14 days by Sawyer & Co - Hove - £2,250 pcm (£519 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentPreston Village Mews, Middle Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1
32- Family Home
- Close to Preston Park Train Station
StudyAdded > 14 days by Brand Vaughan - Hove - £2,500 pcm (£577 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentThe Park Mews, London Road, Preston, Brighton, BN1
32- Pets Considered
- Garage
Added > 14 days by Brand Vaughan - Hove - £2,275 pcm (£525 pw)
3 bedroom terraced house to rentRoedale Road, Brighton BN1
31- 828 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.4mi.
Virtual tourStudentAdded > 14 days by Brand Vaughan - Student Lettings - £2,192 pcm (£506 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentStephens Road, Brighton
31- Hollingdean Area
- Furnished
StudentAdded > 14 days by Pavilion Properties - Brighton