3 bedroom properties to rent in Newland
- £725 pcm (£167 pw)
3 bedroom end of terrace house to rent22 Goddard Avenue, Hull HU5
31- 957 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.4mi.
Added < 7 days by Wardbright Properties - Hull - £595 pcm (£137 pw)
3 bedroom terraced house to rentGoddard Avenue, Hull HU5
31- Nearest station 1.4mi.
- Unfurnished
Added < 14 days by Estates - Hessle - £1,300 pcm (£300 pw)
3 bedroom house share to rentHaworth Street, Hull
31- 775 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.8mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Mypad - Cottingham Road - £725 pcm (£167 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentCranbrook Avenue, Hull
31- Close to Schools & University
- Off Road Parking to Front
Added > 14 days by Quick & Clarke - Beverley - £1,365 pcm (£315 pw)
3 bedroom private hall to rentWalgrave Street, Newland Avenue, Hull
31- 882 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.7mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Mypad - Cottingham Road - £1,300 pcm (£300 pw)
3 bedroom house share to rentSidmouth Street, Hull
31- Nearest station 1.6mi.
- Furnished
Virtual tourStudentAdded > 14 days by Mypad - Cottingham Road - £1,430 pcm (£330 pw)
3 bedroom house share to rentEdgecumbe Street, Hull
31- 839 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.5mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Mypad - Cottingham Road - £1,560 pcm (£360 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentBlaydes Street, Hull HU6
32- 807 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.8mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - Added > 14 days by Hull2Let - Hull
- £1,300 pcm (£300 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentThe Newlands, Hull HU5
31- 871 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.8mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,495 pcm (£345 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentBethnal Green, Hull HU6
31- Nearest station 1.8mi.
- Furnished
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,352 pcm (£312 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentRaglan Street, Hull HU5
3-- 914 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.6mi.
Virtual tourStudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,885 pcm (£435 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentHardy Street, Hull HU5
32- 925 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.6mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,235 pcm (£285 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentBrooklyn Terrace, Hull HU5
3-- 731 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.6mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,430 pcm (£330 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentMinton Street, Hull HU5
31- 828 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.7mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,820 pcm (£420 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentAlexandra Avenue, Hull HU5
33- Nearest station 1.5mi.
- Furnished
Virtual tourStudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,625 pcm (£375 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentReynoldson Street, Hull HU5
31- 882 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.4mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull - £1,326 pcm (£306 pw)
3 bedroom house to rentThe Beeches, Hull HU5
31- 807 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.6mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by Loc8me - Hull