2 results
4 bedroom houses to rent in LL12
- £1,400 pcm (£323 pw)
4 bedroom detached house to rentHalle Court, Llay, LL12
42- Four Bedrooms
- Detached House
StudyAdded < 7 days by Northwood - Wrexham - £1,600 pcm (£369 pw)
4 bedroom detached house to rentWestminster Drive, Acton, Wrexham, LL12
43- Double glazing
- Shower
Added > 14 days by Belvoir - Wrexham - £3,500 pcm (£808 pw)
4 bedroom bungalow to rentCarthagena Lane, Gresford LL12
43- - Expertly Renovated Detached Bungalow
- - Open Plan Kitchen, Living, Dining Area
Virtual tourStudyReduced < 14 days by Jordan & Halstead - Chester