Offices to rent in LS1
- Price on application14,232 sq ft
Office to rentBelgrave Hall, Belgrave Street, Leeds, LS2 8DD
--- Excellent transport connections
- Flexible lease terms
Added < 7 days by Avison Young - Offices - Added > 14 days by RAF Estates - Chessington
- Added > 14 days by Stoneacre Properties - Commercial
- Added > 14 days by Stoneacre Properties - Commercial
- £18,025 pcm | 8,319 sq ft
Office to rent1 Whitehall Riverside, Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS1 4BN
--- Grade A office
- Premium, fully fitted space
Added > 14 days by Avison Young - Offices - From£200 pppm--
- Coworking space from £200 per person per month
- Nearest road link: M1/M62
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£60 pppm
Office to rent55 St Paul's Street ,,
--- Coworking space from £60 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£225 pppm
Office to rentGreek Street,Yorkshire House,
--- Coworking space from £225 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£249 pppm
Office to rent9 Park Square East,Vicarage Chambers,
--- Coworking space from £249 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£95 pppm
Office to rent10-12 East Parade,,
--- Coworking space from £95 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£159 pppm
Office to rentPrinces Exchange,Princes Square,
--- Coworking space from £159 per person per month
- Nearest road link: A58(M) Jnct L
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£83 pppm
Office to rent32 Park Cross Street,,
--- Coworking space from £83 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£199 pppm
Office to rent6 Wellington Place,,
--- Coworking space from £199 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£199 pppm--
- Coworking space from £199 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£179 pppm
Office to rent67 Albion Street,15th to 18th Floors, Pinnacle
--- Coworking space from £179 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£249 pppm
Office to rent27 King Street,Bank House, 3rd Floor,
--- Coworking space from £249 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£300 pppm
Office to rentNo. 1 Aire Street,,
--- Coworking space from £300 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£83 pppm
Office to rentGeorge Street,The Leeming Building, Ludgate Hill
--- Coworking space from £83 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£150 pppm
Office to rentPlatform, New Station Street,,
--- Coworking space from £150 per person per month
- Nearest airport: Leeds Bradford International Airport
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - From£199 pppm
Office to rentNo 2 Wellington Place,,
--- Coworking space from £199 per person per month
- Nearest road link: A58(M)
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1 - Price on application1,000 - 4,000 sq ft
Office to rentPark Place, Leeds, LS1
--- 1,000 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.2mi.
Added > 14 days by Dacre, Son & Hartley - Leeds Commercial - Price on application100 sq ft
Office to rentLeeming Building, Vicar Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS2
--- 100 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.4mi.
Added > 14 days by Dacre, Son & Hartley - Leeds Commercial - Price on application500 - 1,500 sq ft
Office to rentPark Cross Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1
--- 500 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.3mi.
Added > 14 days by Dacre, Son & Hartley - Leeds Commercial