3 results
Offices to rent in Woodhouse Park
- Price on application11,675 sq ft
Office to rentBuilding 1000 Manchester Business Park, Aviator Way, Manchester, M22 5TG
--- Prime location
- Dual carriage way access to M56 in 3 minutes
Added > 14 days by Avison Young - Offices - Price on application50 - 2,600 sq ft
Office to rent3000 Aviator Way, Manchester M22
--- Workstations
- Rail
Added > 14 days by Fisher German - Manchester Commercial - From£139 pppm
Office to rent3000 Aviator Way,Manchester Business Park,
--- Coworking space from £139 per person per month
- Nearest road link: M56 jnct 4
Added > 14 days by Instant Offices - SE1