25 results
Flats to rent in Belgrave
- £950 pcm (£219 pw)
4 bedroom flat to rentMelton Road, Leicester LE4
41- Shops and amenities nearby
- Gas central heating
Added < 7 days by Platinum Homes - Leicester - £1,150 pcm (£265 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentAbbey Park Road, Leicester
22- Duplex flat
- Unfurrnished
Virtual tourReduced < 7 days by Readings Property Group - Leicester - £7,500 pcm (£1,731 pw)
1 bedroom block of apartments to rentBardolph Street East, Leicester LE4
11- Nearest station 1.2mi.
- Unfurnished
Added > 14 days by Oryx Properties - Leicester - Added < 7 days by Seths Estate Agents - Rowlatts Hill
- £800 pcm (£185 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentHalkin Street Off Belgrave Road Leicester
21- Two bed flat
- Unfurnished
Added < 14 days by Rathods Property Centre - Leicester