2 results
Flats to rent in Heywood
- £850 pcm (£196 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentThe Gateway, Smith Street, Heywood
21- Nearest station 0.4mi.
- Nearest school 0.2mi.
Reduced < 14 days by Amco Housing - Manchester - £850 pcm (£196 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentManchester Street, Heywood
21- Nearest station 0.3mi.
- Unfurnished
Added > 14 days by Amco Housing - Manchester - £799 pcm (£184 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentHeywood OL10
21- 678 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.6mi.
- Part furnished
- Nearest school 0.2mi.
Reduced < 7 days by Heaton Square - Manchester