19 results
Flats to rent in Rose Hill
- £825 pcm (£190 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentAnchor Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK, IP3
1-- Fully furnished
- Allocated parking space
Added < 7 days by Pennington - Ipswich - £800 pcm (£185 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentSt. Marys Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK, IP4
2-- Second Floor Apartment
- Two Bedrooms
Added < 7 days by Pennington - Ipswich - £925 pcm (£213 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentFore Hamlet, Nautica, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3
22- Unfurnished
- First floor
Added < 14 days by Fenn Wright - Ipswich - £825 pcm (£190 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentCoprolite Street, Ipswich
12- One Bedroom, Second Floor Apartment
- Waterfront/Marina Location
Added < 14 days by Grace Estate Agents - Ipswich - Added > 14 days by Clarke & Simpson - Framlingham
- £750 pcm (£173 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rent1 Anchor Street, Ipswich IP3
11- Un-Furnished
- Shops and amenities nearby
StudentAdded > 14 days by LCL Lettings - Essex - £1,025 pcm (£237 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentNeptune Marina, Ipswich IP3
22- Marina location
- Two bedrooms
Added < 7 days by Area Letting D - Ipswich - Reduced < 7 days by Area Letting D - Ipswich
- £1,250 pcm (£288 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentNeptune Marina, Ipswich Waterfront IP3
22- Two Bedrooms
- Furnished
Added > 14 days by Area Letting D - Ipswich - £975 pcm (£225 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rent5 Anchor Street, Ipswich IP3
22- En suite to master
- Two double bedrooms
Added > 14 days by Area Letting D - Ipswich - £1,100 pcm (£254 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentNeptune Marina, Ipswich IP3
22- Waterfront Location
- Secure Off Road Parking
Added > 14 days by Area Letting D - Ipswich