1 result
Houses to rent in Cove Bay
- £875 pcm (£202 pw)
2 bedroom semi-detached house to rentLoirston Crescent, Aberdeen
21- Newly redecorated
- Local Amenities Closeby
StudentAdded < 14 days by Martin & Co - Aberdeen - £800 pcm (£185 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rentWhitehills Square, Charleston, Cove, AB12
22- Stylish 2 bedroom terraced home
- Lounge with open plan Kitchen
Added > 14 days by Aberdeen Property Leasing - Aberdeen - £1,650 pcm (£381 pw)
4 bedroom semi-detached house to rentWellington Terrace, Cove, Aberdeen, AB12
43- Immaculate Semi-Detached Family Home
- Well Maintained Fully Enclosed Rear Garden
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Northwood - Aberdeen