17 results
Houses to rent in Kingswood with Burgh Heath
- £7,500 pcm (£1,731 pw)
6 bedroom detached house to rentAlcocks Lane, Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20
65- Generous living accommodation
- Large south facing garden
- Gated driveway
- Office space
Added > 14 days by Savills - Guildford - Added > 14 days by Richard Saunders and Company - Kingswood
- Added > 14 days by Richard Saunders and Company - Kingswood
- £1,950 pcm (£450 pw)
3 bedroom bungalow to rentBrighton Road, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth
31- Detached chalet / static home
- Excellent condition throughout
Added > 14 days by Newkeys4me - London, Surrey & Kent - £2,600 pcm (£600 pw)
3 bedroom detached bungalow to rentBrighton Road, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth
31- Available immediately
- Newly decorated throughout
StudyAdded > 14 days by Newkeys4me - London, Surrey & Kent - Featured£7,500 pcm (£1,731 pw)
6 bedroom detached house to rentAlcocks Lane, Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20
65- Generous living accommodation
- Large south facing garden
- Gated driveway
- Office space
Added > 14 days by Savills - Guildford - Added > 14 days by The Personal Agent - Banstead
- £2,995 pcm (£691 pw)
4 bedroom detached bungalow to rentGreen Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth
42- Detached bungalow
- Four bedrooms
Added > 14 days by Williams Harlow - Banstead - £7,500 pcm (£1,731 pw)
6 bedroom detached house to rentAlcocks Lane, Kingswood
64- Available October
- Unfurnished
Added > 14 days by Richard Saunders and Company - Kingswood