27 results
Houses to rent in The Bury
- £800 pcm (£185 pw)
1 bedroom in a house share to rentChestnut Walk, Stevenage, SG1 4DD
11- House Share
- Owner Occupied
Added < 14 days by Homes & Mortgages - Stevenage - £1,600 pcm (£369 pw)
3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow to rentChapman Road, Stevenage SG1
3-- Three bedrooms
- Kitchen with Appliances
StudentAdded > 14 days by Own Homes - Stevenage - £1,375 pcm (£317 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rentWansbeck Close, Stevenage SG1
21- Two Bedrooms
- Terraced House
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Geoffrey Matthew Estates - Harlow