2 results
Property & houses to rent in Carfin
- £695 pcm (£160 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentLochranza Court, Carfin, Motherwell
2-- Nearest station 0.6mi.
- Unfurnished
Added > 14 days by Empire Property & Lettings - Wishaw - £850 pcm (£196 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentRoxburgh Court, Carfin, Motherwell
22- Nearest station 0.3mi.
- Unfurnished
Added yesterday by Hemmings Homes - Motherwell - £850 pcm (£196 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rent24 Taylor Avenue, Carfin, Motherwell, ML1 5AJ
22- Mid Terraced Property
- Two Double Bedrooms
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Property Bureau - Airdrie