2 results
Terraced houses to rent in Ingleby Barwick
- £725 pcm (£167 pw)
2 bedroom end of terrace house to rentLongleat Walk, Ingleby Barwick
21- Available April
- Two Bedrooms
Added < 7 days by Smith & Friends Estate Agents - Ingleby Barwick - £795 pcm (£183 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rentThornwood Avenue, Ingleby Barwick
2-- 699 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 1.8mi.
Added < 7 days by Michael Poole - Ingleby Barwick - £795 pcm (£183 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rentKeld Close, Ingleby Barwick
21- Unfurnished Modern Terraced Home
- Sober Hall Village Area Setting
Virtual tourAdded < 14 days by Michael Poole - Ingleby Barwick - £850 pcm (£196 pw)
3 bedroom terraced house to rentHatchlands Park, Ingleby Barwick
31- Available now
- Spacious accommodation across three floors
Reduced < 14 days by Michael Poole - Ingleby Barwick - £795 pcm (£183 pw)
2 bedroom terraced house to rentThornwood Avenue, Ingleby Barwick
21- Available immediately
- Popular 'Lowfields' area of Ingleby Barwick
Added > 14 days by Ingleby Homes - North Yorkshire