Sold prices in Beemire Lane, Kendal, LA23
Brackenmere Beemire Lane, Windermere, LA23 1DW
- £496,000 Detached, Freehold 07 April 2017
The Laurels Beemire Lane, Windermere, LA23 1DW
- £653,500 Freehold 24 October 2016
- £653,500 Freehold 24 October 2016
Beech Riggs Beemire Lane, Windermere, LA23 1DW
- £35,064 Detached, Leasehold 04 June 2015
Birch Garth Beemire Lane, Windermere, LA23 1DW
- £131,490 Detached, Leasehold 04 June 2015
The Woodway Beemire Lane, Windermere, LA23 1DW
- £499,500 Detached, Leasehold 26 November 2014