Sold House Prices in Hull
The average price paid for properties in Hull is £174,000 as of November 12, 2024. This represents a rise of 8.4% over the last 12 months for sold prices in Hull.
- Anlaby Park
- Anlaby West
- Bransholme
- Bricknell
- Central Hull
- Central Kingston-upon-Hull
- Cottingham
- Derringham
- East Sutton Ings
- Gipsyville
- Greatfield
- Hessle
- Inglemire
- Kirk Ella
- Longhill
- Marfleet
- New Ings
- Newington
- Newland
- Northfield
- Orchard Park
- Sculcoates
- Southcoates
- Southfield
- St Andrews Quay
- Stoneferry
- Summergangs
- Sutton Ings
- Sutton on Hull
- Sutton-on-Hull
- Victoria Docks
- West Park
- Willerby
- Wilmington
Data on sold house prices provided by Land Registry/Registers of Scotland. © Crown copyright 2015. See our terms for more information.