Sold House Prices in North Kesteven
The average price paid for flats properties in North Kesteven is £124,000 as of November 12, 2024. This represents a fall of 0.9% over the last 12 months for sold prices in North Kesteven.
- Ancaster
- Anwick
- Bardney
- Bassingham
- Billinghay
- Branston
- Brant Broughton
- Cranwell
- Digby
- Dogdyke
- Eagle
- Fulbeck
- Harmston
- Heckington
- Leadenham
- Leasingham
- Martin
- Metheringham
- Nocton
- Rauceby
- Ruskington
- Sleaford
- South Hykeham
- South Kyme
- Swinderby
- Tanvats
- Thorpe on the Hill
- Timberland
- Waddington
- Washingborough
- Wellingore
- Witham St Hughs
- Woodhall Spa
Data on sold house prices provided by Land Registry/Registers of Scotland. © Crown copyright 2015. See our terms for more information.