Sold House Prices in South Cambridgeshire
The average price paid for properties in South Cambridgeshire is £481,000 as of November 12, 2024. This represents a fall of 8.9% over the last 12 months for sold prices in South Cambridgeshire.
- Balsham
- Bar Hill
- Barrington
- Bassingbourn
- Bassingbourn Barracks
- Bluntisham
- Bourn
- Comberton
- Cottenham
- Crow End
- Dry Drayton
- Earith
- Flint Cross
- Fowlmere
- Fulbourn
- Great Cambourne
- Great Shelford
- Hardwick
- Harston
- Haslingfield
- Hauxton
- Highfields
- Histon
- Kneesworth
- Longstanton
- Lower Cambourne
- Melbourn
- Meldreth
- Milton
- Over
- Rampton
- Royston
- Sawston
- Shepreth
- Swavesey
- Whittlesford
- Willingham
Data on sold house prices provided by Land Registry/Registers of Scotland. © Crown copyright 2015. See our terms for more information.