Sold House Prices in West Oxfordshire
The average price paid for properties in West Oxfordshire is £525,000 as of November 12, 2024. This represents a rise of 1.8% over the last 12 months for sold prices in West Oxfordshire.
- Aston
- Bampton
- Bradwell Grove
- Brize Norton
- Burford
- Carterton
- Cassington
- Chadlington
- Charlbury
- Chipping Norton
- Clanfield
- Ducklington
- Enstone
- Eynsham
- Freeland
- Fulbrook
- Kelmscott
- Kingham
- Long Compton
- Long Hanborough
- Middle Barton
- Milton-under-Wychwood
- Minster Lovell
- North Leigh
- Over Kiddington
- Shipton-under-Wychwood
- Standlake
- Stonesfield
- Witney
- Wootton
Data on sold house prices provided by Land Registry/Registers of Scotland. © Crown copyright 2015. See our terms for more information.