Office to rent
Features and description
These premises are situated in the historic quarter of King’s Lynn town centre surrounded by period property, adjacent to the Quay. This is an easily accessible position for the town amenities and with the particular benefit of it being just over the fleet from the Boal Quay car park. A delightful environment for office users.
A three storey Grade II Listed former granary and warehouse building converted into office suites accessed off a central stairwell and landings. Individual suites are laid out over the three floors, some adjoining. Shared or individual kitchen facilities, shared WC facilities.
First Floor;
Suite C
Approx 880 sq ft
First Floor;
Suite D
Approx 34'5" x 21'8" ……………………………………. 755 sq.ft.
Second Floor;
Suite E
Approx ……………………………………. 880 sq.ft
Second Floor;
Suite F - overlooking Boal Quay
Approx 37’4” x 10’8” ……………………………..……… 407 sq.ft.
Each suite is separately metered for electricity. Electric heating and lighting. These services and related appliances have not been tested.
Business Rates
The suites are individually assessed for business rates, payable by the tenant. Current assessments for Rateable Value are shown on the VOA website as:-
C - RV £6,100
D - RV £4,150
E - RV £2,950
F - RV £1,900
G - £2,025
NB. Currently there is 100% rates relief where a premises has a rateable value of £12,000 or less.
Rents are quoted net of VAT, if applicable.
Legal Costs
Ingoing tenants are responsible for the landlord’s reasonable legal costs in drawing up a new licence agreement.
Service Charge
A service charge is payable by each suite to include buildings insurance, maintenance of the structure, maintenance cleaning and lighting of the common areas, alarm etc. Tenant’s responsible for internal maintenance and decoration of individual suites.
Licence Terms
The suites are let on a licence arrangement for an initial term of 1 year and then with a break option exercisable by either landlord or tenant upon any 3 month’s notice in writing at any time. The agreements are outside the security of tenure provisions of the 1954 Landlord & Tenant Act. Three month’s rent due up front on commencement.
Rent - Suite:
C (FF) 880 sq.ft - £730 pcm
D (FF) 755 sq.ft - £635 pcm
E (SF) 880 sq.ft - £730 pcm
F (SF) 407 sq.ft. - £325 pcm
G (SF) 403 sq.ft - £325 pcm
Tenancy Application Form
Interested applicants should fill out a Tenancy Application Form available from the Agent’s offices. Tenancy application fee payable @ £120, including VAT, to the Agents.
Further details and arrangements for viewing may be obtained from LANDLES.
All negotiations in respect of this property are to be carried out strictly via the Agents, Landles.
Messrs. LANDLES for themselves and for the Vendors or Lessors of this property whose Agents they are give notice that
(i) the particulars are produced in good faith and are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract (ii) no person in the employment of Messrs. LANDLES has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property (iii) any plans produced on these particulars are for illustrative purposes only and are not to scale, any area or other measurements stated are subject to measured survey (iv) unless specifically referred to in these particulars any chattels garden furniture statuary equipment or fittings etc is excluded from the sale whether appearing in images or not.
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