Features and description
Returning a six-figure net profit despite the ill health of the vendor, making top-end Corian kitchens, right down to bulk orders, there is so much scope for expansion, in so many areas, it is hard to know where to start.
Well worth a look and serious enquiries are welcomed. Cost of Stock to be paid on Completion. OUR REF: RX258140 - M6716N
Leasehold renewable after expiry in June 2025. Current rent payable £24,469 pa.
Operating from two units totalling approximately 3,000 sq. ft.
Staff & Trading Hours
One full time and two part time. 8.00 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.
The turnover has reduced over the last three years due to the vendor's ill health, so there is scope to increase this dramatically. The adjusted net profit over the last three years has averaged just under £120,000.
Business Rates
Currently zero, were £6,249 pa.
Legal Costs
Each party to bear their own costs incurred in the transaction.
SAV on completion. All equipment is NOT included in the price and is available by negotiation. Most of the equipment is less than two years old and is owned outright, giving scope for asset finance.
Available through our many contacts. We can put you in touch for a consultation under no obligation.
What a great business! Despite the health of the vendor, this is still a highly profitable concern with so much potential. With ongoing contracts with some of East Anglia's major builders and a steady stream of retail clients, this is well worth a look.
The vendor is willing to stay on for a handover period if required.
Whilst every care is taken to ensure that these particulars are correct, accuracy is no way guaranteed and none of the information supplied forms part of any contract. Acceptance of these particulars constitutes a contract to the effect that all negotiations for the business or property will be made through Gilbert & Rose otherwise the purchaser will be equally responsible with the vendor for damages equal to the amount of our commission.
About this agent