6 results
Offices to rent in Broadstone
- Price on application
Office to rentHolyrood Close, Poole
--- Nearest station 2.3mi.
- Nearest school 0.2mi.
Added > 14 days by Kings Estates - Guildford - £4,583 pcm | 4,230 sq ft
Office to rentUnit 9, Albany Park, Cabot Lane, Poole, BH17 7BX
--- Approx. 4,230 sq ft
- £55,000 per annum exclusive
Added > 14 days by Sibbett Gregory - Poole - £2,208 pcm | 2,120 sq ft
Office to rentSuite B Manor House, 1 Macaulay Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AS
--- Modern office suites
- Centrally located in Broadstone
Added > 14 days by Vail Williams - Bournemouth - £4,583 pcm | 4,230 sq ft
Office to rentUnit 9 Albany Park, Cabot Lane, Poole, BH17 7BX
--- Prominence to A349 Cabot Lane
- Self-contained, two storey office premises
Added > 14 days by Vail Williams - Bournemouth - £7,750 pcm | 2,483 - 5,153 sq ft
Office to rentHoles Bay House, Upton Road, Marshes End, Poole, BH17 7AG
--- Suitable for office or medical uses (subject to any necessary consents
- 28 allocated parking spaces
EV chargerAdded > 14 days by Sibbett Gregory - Poole - Price on application130 - 1,000 sq ft
Office to rentArena Poole, Holyrood Close, Poole, BH17 7FJ
--- Flexible Leases
- On Site Parking
Added > 14 days by Sibbett Gregory - Poole