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76 results

Sold prices in Rowchester Way, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE27

75 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £339,995 Detached, Freehold 31 July 2018

70 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £189,995 Semi-detached, Freehold 27 July 2018

69 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £194,995 Semi-detached, Freehold 27 July 2018

81 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £345,995 Detached, Freehold 27 July 2018

66 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £144,995 Terraced, Freehold 26 July 2018

68 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £144,995 Terraced, Freehold 26 July 2018

67 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £142,995 Terraced, Freehold 26 July 2018

71 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £339,995 Detached, Freehold 19 July 2018

10 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £274,995 Detached, Leasehold 20 April 2018

80 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £366,140 Detached, Freehold 29 March 2018

77 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £302,995 Detached, Freehold 02 February 2018

79 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £297,995 Detached, Leasehold 26 January 2018

82 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £286,995 Detached, Freehold 26 January 2018

78 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £269,995 Detached, Freehold 12 January 2018

76 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £349,995 Detached, Freehold 15 December 2017

72 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £286,995 Detached, Freehold 15 December 2017

74 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £296,995 Detached, Leasehold 30 November 2017

73 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £269,995 Detached, Leasehold 24 November 2017

52 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £118,946 Terraced, Leasehold 20 October 2017

53 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £118,946 Terraced, Leasehold 20 October 2017

41 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £234,995 Detached, Leasehold 16 October 2017

45 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £118,946 Semi-detached, Leasehold 22 September 2017

42 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £234,995 Detached, Leasehold 22 September 2017

46 Rowchester Way, Holystone, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0JA

  • £118,946 Semi-detached, Leasehold 15 September 2017

Data on sold house prices provided by Land Registry/Registers of Scotland. © Crown copyright 2015. See our terms for more information.