Sold House Prices in SO31
- Shalcombe
- Shaw Vale
- Shellcroft
- Shepherds Purse Close
- Sherley Green
- Sherwood Gardens
- Shop Lane
- Shore Road
- Shorewood Close
- Shorwell
- Sidings Industrial Estate
- Silver Birches
- Sloetree Close
- Snapdragon Close
- Snowdrop Close
- Solent Drive
- Solent Meadows
- Sopwith Way
- Sorrel Close
- South Court
- Southampton Road
- Southwood Gardens
- Speedwell Close
- Spenser Close
- Spinnaker Mews
- Spitfire Way
- Spring Grove
- Spring Road
- Springfield
- Spruce Close
- Squirrel Close
- St. Agathas Road
- St. Cuthberts Close
- St. Cuthberts Lane
- St. Davids Road
- St. Edwards Road
- St. George Close>St. George Close
- St. Georges Road>St. Georges Road
- St. Johns Road>St. Johns Road
- St. Joseph Close>St. Joseph Close
- St. Marys Road>St. Marys Road
- St. Michaels Road>St. Michaels Road
- St. Pauls Road>St. Pauls Road
- St. Simon Close>St. Simon Close
- St. Tristan Close>St. Tristan Close
- Stableyard Mews>Stableyard Mews
- Stalybridge Close>Stalybridge Close
- Station Road>Station Road
- Stenbury Way>Stenbury Way
- Stewart Close>Stewart Close
- Stillmeadows>Stillmeadows
- Stonecrop Close>Stonecrop Close
- Stoneham Gardens>Stoneham Gardens
- Strawberry Hill>Strawberry Hill
- Stride Gardens>Stride Gardens
- Summerfields>Summerfields
- Sunnyfield Rise>Sunnyfield Rise
- Sunnyside>Sunnyside
- Swan Close>Swan Close
- Swanwick Business Centre>Swanwick Business Centre
- Swanwick Lane>Swanwick Lane
- Swanwick Shore>Swanwick Shore
- Swanwick Shore Road>Swanwick Shore Road
- Sycamore Close>Sycamore Close
- Sydney Avenue>Sydney Avenue
- Sylvan Lane>Sylvan Lane
- Symphony Close>Symphony Close
- Talisman Business Centre>Talisman Business Centre
- The Acorns>The Acorns
- The Badgers>The Badgers
- The Bartletts>The Bartletts
- The Brackens>The Brackens